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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

farmers club in the tree nursery in the rain
Now I am back from Dowa and Neno. I made photos for the Clinton Foundation. It is an agro forestry project. Farmers in Malawi grow trees, the trees fix carbon from the air. The farmers sell their carbon credits in the west. So the global environment improves and the farmer in Malawi makes money. On top of that: in Neno they grow grafted mango trees, so they produce high quality mangoes for sale.
The first day we had bad luck with the weather: first very strong rain, where I could get some photos of soil erosion. Otherwise it was not possible to do much. After that a drizzle. I could work in that, with someone holding an umbrella over my head to keep the camera dry. This limited my movements a little. But the real problem was that all subjects looked wet and miserable. Not the way to promote their carbon credits!
On the way back a river crossing was flooded. We found a way around it, which took about a half hour extra.
Fortunately the next two days were fine, dry and even a half hour of sunlight through the clouds. That worked well, and I got all
flooded river crossing

mango stones are dried on a mango leaf before they are planted.
photos done. Interesting experience with an interesting project!
farmer and District Magistrate Marsen Nyambi

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